Plenty of traffic via COBRAcable in the first six months of operation

Six months ago, on 6 September 2019, Energinet and TenneT transferred first power through the COBRAcable Interconnector between Denmark and The Netherlands. Ever since, the cable operation has followed the baffling wind in Denmark, meaning that on days of large wind power production in Denmark, the Netherlands have imported power via the cable, whereas electrons have travelled in the opposite direction – namely from the Netherlands to Denmark – on days of low winds.

In total, Denmark has imported almost 700 GWh through the COBRAcable, corresponding to the annual power consumption by more than 150,000 households, and the Netherlands has imported nearly 1,400 GWh corresponding to the annual consumption by more than 300,000 households over the six-month period.

Hence, the new interconnector has contributed to the green transition by exchanging fluctuating renewable energy across the borders and additionally created trade profit in the spot marked for electricity, benefitting the Danish society.

In average, the 700-MW cable has run at full capacity in 79% of the time over the past six months.

COBRAcable was built by Danish TSO Energinet and Dutch power TSO TenneT.

See a movie of the construction of the interconnector:

Constructing the green Cobra Cable from Energinet on Vimeo.