gaslager halvrsrapport 2017 Ole Christiansen

News from Energinet and Evida on hydrogen

Awaiting the Danish and European regulation with specification of roles on hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark, Evida and Energinet are jointly giving an update on our hydrogen activities.

Market dialogue on hydrogen infrastructure
The Danish Energy Agency, Evida and Energinet are jointly conducting a market dialogue on the interest and need for hydrogen infrastructure. We expect this dialogue to begin in mid-August, and we look forward to valuable input from across the market. The inputs received will create the basis for further work on development of the hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark, therefore the inputs we receive are of great importance.

We will announce launching of the marked dialogue on our home pages. Therefore, please sign up for news from both our companies if you are interested to reply to the marked dialogue.

News from Energinet

Feasibility study
To prepare for the future hydrogen infrastructure, Energinet has initiated a feasibility study for a hydrogen backbone in Jutland with connections to Germany and a future hydrogen storage in Ll. Torup. The study will also investigate whether existing methane infrastructure can be repurposed for both storage and transport of hydrogen. The technical/economic feasibility study will develop technical concepts and socio-economic benefits of a backbone. Energinet expects to finalize the feasibility study in Q1 2023.

The feasibility study is in line with the vision presented by 31 European TSO’s as the European Hydrogen Backbone (European Hydrogen Backbone Maps | EHB European Hydrogen Backbone).
We look forward to share and discuss the preliminary findings with interested stakeholders.

On behalf of the future Danish hydrogen system operator(s) Energinet has registered the hydrogen backbone in Jutland (transport and storage) to TYNDP 2022 (ten year network development plan). This is an important step to realize the vision of a cross border integrated hydrogen infrastructure and potentially applying for European funding. 

News from Evida
Will the energy factories of the future have a sea view?

Ports and port cities have been chosen as the location for a large part of the hydrogen, CO2 capture and Power-to-X projects that are in development across the country. In a new publication entitled "Do the energy factories of the future have a sea view?" Evida provides an overview and examples of where the future production of energy can take place and what role infrastructure can play in this context.

Evida predicts a market where Power-to-X plants will shoot up around the country in need of local and regional infrastructure that connects producers and buyers of hydrogen and CO2. It is Evida's assessment that local hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure can be established in 2-3 years and longer regional stretches within 4-5 years. It is also Evida's assessment that there will be great synergies in the simultaneous development and operation of distribution networks for methane (natural gas/biogas), hydrogen and CO2. 

The report (in Danish) "Får fremtidens energifabrikker havudsigt?” is published by Evida, June 2022.

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