
We focus on regional cooperation efforts that support European integration.

Energinet has a long tradition for regional cooperation in the electricity and gas sector. Energinet continues to develop our regional cooperation which works as a steppingstone for European collaboration. Working together to develop joint solutions that fit both a European and a national framework, results in considerable regional and national socio-economic benefits.

Nordic Regional Security Coordinator (RSC) in Copenhagen

The Nordic countries are in the process of establishing a joint office, where a group of specialists from the Nordic TSOs will work to expand collaboration between the Nordic countries to reach solutions for a number of operational tasks.

Learn more about RSC here.

TSO Security Cooperation (TSC)

In addition to the Nordic RSC, Energinet also participates in TSO Security Cooperation (TSC), a Central European collaborative initiative that includes 13 European TSOs. The purpose of TSC is to develop coordinated procedures in order to minimise errors and achieve a high level of security for the European transmission grid.

Learn more about TSC here.

Cooperation between countries around the Baltic Sea concerning electricity, gas and BEMIP

Energinet works with countries around the Baltic Sea on developing cross-border electricity and gas markets in the region.

Learn more about BEMIP here.

Regional gas cooperation in North-West Europe

Energinet works with other North-West European countries to promote the development of an EU market for gas. The North-West European cooperation effectively represents most of the liquid gas market in Europe. Among a number of initiatives launched together with other TSOs from the region, Energinet has developed the capacity platform PRISMA.

Learn more about PRISMA here.

Learn more about different Gas Regional Investment Plans (GRIPS) here.

Energinet also develop the role gas is envisioned to play in Denmark’s green transition through our regional relationships. For instance, the gas system could support the electricity system by developing power2gas technologies.