Energy data

Energinet has a number of energy data, which we make available for other parties. Some data are open for everybody, other require login.

On this page you can find raw data and statistics or energy data provided by other players in the electricity market.

Energy data for all

Energinet's web portal, Energy Data Service, offers CO2 signals, data from the electricity market and consumption and production data. You can access the data set via API access.

Go to

Consumption data - third-party access 

Access to these data requires login

Through Energinet’s third party access-solution, consumers grant secure access to their data. The solution applies to electricity agents, energy consultants or other market participants authorised by Energinet to collect data. The third party participant must be registered for VAT purposes in Denmark and have a valid NemID, the public Danish digital signature key .

Datahub data for researchers

Access to these data requires authorisation from Statistics Denmark

Researchers can get access to DataHub consumption and production data through Research Services at Statistics Denmark.  Foreign researchers must be affiliated to a Danish authorised environment. Access is given to anonymised micro data, i.e. data at an individual personal or corporate level.
Nord pool

Nord pool

Market data from the Nordic and Baltic countries on the power market



Energy data etc. on ENTSO-E's Transparency...

System data

System data

Statistical data for the Danish electricity transmission systems



Execution of market processes and business transactions in the Danish electricity retail market.