Børn sammen med grise på en mark. Children in a field with pigs

Guarantees of origin for renewable gas

Each guarantee of origin represents Energinet’s guarantee that 1 MWh biomethane has been injected into our gas system and not sold elsewhere.

Unbroken Chain

Guarantees of origin (GOs) for renewable gas may be traded by certificate account holders prior to the final transfer to a consumer.

A a biogas producer may sell his or her GOs to a consumer or do so through a company also selling the energy. Either way the GOs are proof of the origin of the green value in the energy that the consumer has purchased and the seller of the GOs are obliged to cancel GOs in Energinet's register of GOs.

This ensures an unbroken transfer from producer to consumer of the green value of energy produced from a renewable energy source – even though the quality characteristics of the end product received by the consumer is indistinguishable from conventional gas.

Access to the register of guarantees of origin

Access to Energinets register of guarantees of origin for biomethane in the gas grid requires an account and separate login for each account holder.
Login to the G-Rex

General information about Danish guarantees of origin

A guarantee of origin (GO) is a certificate documenting and guaranteeing the origin of the renewable energy.
More about Energinet's guarantees of origin