Consultation of Balancing Model 2022

The draft method application for introducing Within-day Obligations in the current balancing model is now out for consultation. The consultation period will last 4 weeks, until 10th May 2021.

Shippers and other relevant stakeholders now have the chance to comment directly to the draft method application, on the introduction of Within-day Obligations in the Joint Balancing Zone for Denmark and Sweden. The consultation period will last until 10th May, whereafter Energinet Gas TSO and Swedegas (as part of Nordion Energi), will look into possible amendments of the application based on comments, before forwarding the official method application to the Danish Utility Regulator and the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate.

Please forward your consultation answers to:

For information purposes, a draft of the Rules For gas Transport has been added to our website, to give a first overview of which changes we anticipate for RfG, only regarding changes to the balancing rules. The draft Rules for Gas Transport is not an official part of the consultation, and is subject to change, based on comments for the draft application.

At our website, you will also find an updated Q&A, uploaded slides and minutes from the User Group on 3rd of March, and uploads of data request from the User Group. Please follow this link to reach all information: Developing the gas balancing model for implementation in 2022 | Energinet