Competitive Features

Shippers in the Danish gas market benefit from the flexibility and high-capacity infrastructure of the Danish energy system.


Shippers in the Danish gas market benefit from the flexibility and high-capacity infrastructure of the Danish energy system and enjoy other competitive features, such as:

Access to trade on the Danish gas exchange

  • Currently 68 % of Danish gas consumption is traded on Gaspoint Nordic
  • Gaspoint Nordic is an unrestricted market place, open to all traders, which supports transparent supply and demand-driven pricing in Denmark.


Competitive charges and fees that reflect Energinet’s “break-even” policy

Flexible and custom-made storage products at competitive prices offered by Energinet's Gas Storage Denmark

Flexible and marked-based end-of-day balancing

  • No intra-day restrictions.
  • Daily cash-out to zero based on shippers end-of-day position (long, short or balanced).

We update our System Commercial Balance (SCB) every hour.

Energinet notifies shippers when market activity moves out of Energinet’s estimated system commercial balance ”Green Zone”.

Many free of charge services

Influence the development of our market, including market rules

  • Energinet hosts a Shippers’ Forum four times a year
  • We invite the market participants to user groups to share experience and ideas for the gas market development in Denmark
  • Shippers can sign up for the Shipper Task Force, which can be activated to work on dedicated topics.

Advantages at a glance

Energinet offers no intra-day restrictions, free registration and competitive charges and fees.
