New Shipper Registration

It is free to register with Energinet.

How to Register

New shippers must be registered in Energinet’s Register of Players for the Danish gas market. We are ready to assist you with our 4-step process which is free of charge and takes approx. one month to complete. Book a phone meeting by sending an email to or give us a call.

Four Steps

Here is a brief description of Energinet’s 4-step registration process:

  1. Admission to Energinet's Register of Players
    1. Complete Energinet's registration form and mail it to
      1.  You may need to obtain the following information:
        1. GLN (Global Location Number)
        2.  EIC code
  2. Credit approval
    1. After Energinet receives your application for admission to our Register of Players we will email you a request for credit information, including financial statements, bank account information and size of credit limit. We currently require shippers to have a minimum available credit limit of at least 2,000,000 DKK.
  3. Framework Agreement and Online Access Agreement with Energinet 
    1. Once your credit has been approved by Energinet, we will ask you to complete Energinet's Framework Agreement and the Online Access Agreement to our self-service portal, Energinet Online.
  4. IT system test
    1. Finally, your IT system must pass our Edgi@s communication standard test.

Good to know

It is free to register with Energinet.