Shippers’ Forum is important for gas market cooperation
Thursday 13 December 2018 market players on the Danish gas market met at Energinet Gas TSO for Shippers’ Forum – a dialogue meeting for shippers and other market players.
A continued involvement of gas market players and a more transparent way of communicating has led to establishment of a news feed on the English part of the website, where Energinet Gas TSO will publish all future gas market communication.
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Shippers, market players and others may sign up for news regarding development of the gas market, call for tenders, market hearings and invitations to Shippers’ Forum, etc. through this link:
The new communication channel was one among many topics at Shippers’ Forum where the programme on Thursday also included the construction of Baltic pipe and the market coupling between the Danish and the Swedish gas market in a Joint Balancing Zone. Also the European Union’s positive view gas in a future green energy system was a part of the programme.
Redevelopment of Tyra leads to rethinking of the gas supply situation
However, the redevelopment of the Tyra-fields in the North Sea was the main topic with several issues for discussion. The reconstruction period from 2019 to 2022 will change the supply situation in Denmark and Sweden and calls for a close cooperation with shippers and market players in general already starting the coming winter.
As one shipper, Jens Kersting from RWE, expressed after Shippers’ Forum: “I found that this Shippers’ Forum was one of the more exciting events recently. In particular the Tyra topics were very interesting and it was extremely helpful that they were presented.”
Especially the supply situation and the market measures related to the period where the Tyra platform will be shut down for redevelopment was a hot topic. The main message to the market players is that we aim at getting through the Tyra-period safely and that the Danish consumers rely on the market players for supply of gas also in this period.
Market players on the gas market have the responsibility to supply their Danish consumers according to their demand for gas, and Energinet Gas TSO is in frequent contact with them. Even though next Shippers’ Forum will not be held until March next year, we are in dialogue with them in the meantime. This is where the new communication channel plays an important role,” Manager of Gas Market Development Clement Ulrichsen says.