Under the Danish Electricity Supply Act, the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities is responsible for the security of electricity supply and determines the level hereof. Under the Danish executive order on transmission system operation and the use of the electricity transmission grid etc. (Executive Order on transmission system operation (Systemansvarsbekendtgørelsen)), Energinet must prepare an annual report on the security of electricity supply that includes a recommendation on whether to change the level hereof. The report and recommendation both underpin the Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities' determination of a level of security of electricity supply.
In the Security of electricity supply report 2020, Energinet recommends a future level of security of electricity supply. The report also includes forward projections of the security of electricity supply. The recommendation and forward projections have been prepared following a dialogue with the grid enterprises which are responsible for the supply at the lower voltage levels in the electricity grid.
The following comprises translated extracts from the Danish Security of electricity supply report 2020 (Redegørelse for elforsyningssikkerhed 2020). The full report can be found in Danish on Energinet’s website. The extracts include the recommendation from Energinet to the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities and the status of security of electricity supply in Denmark.
In the Security of electricity supply report 2020, Energinet recommends a future level of security of electricity supply. The report also includes forward projections of the security of electricity supply. The recommendation and forward projections have been prepared following a dialogue with the grid enterprises which are responsible for the supply at the lower voltage levels in the electricity grid.
The following comprises translated extracts from the Danish Security of electricity supply report 2020 (Redegørelse for elforsyningssikkerhed 2020). The full report can be found in Danish on Energinet’s website. The extracts include the recommendation from Energinet to the Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities and the status of security of electricity supply in Denmark.
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