System Plan 2018

System Plan 2018 explains how Energinet, through a coherent and holistic approach, works to prepare the transmission networks for electricity and gas for a future with a low-emission society, through a conversion taking account of both the costs of society and the individual.

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Central to this work is the future retention of a high level of security of supply of electricity and gas. In the field of electricity, in 2018, a new energy supply act by June 2018, marks a changed framework for Energinet’s focus on the security of supply for electricity, while focus in the gas field has been on Baltic Pipe, that provides an additional supply source on the gas side.

In addition, development of operations, the market area and infrastructure are important areas of action. In these years there are marked changes in both the operation of the transmission networks, the markets for electricity and gas, and the expansion of the electricity and gas infrastructure, which point to transmission networks that are part of an energy system independent of fossil fuels.



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