Ancillary Services and Flexibility - Consultant Day

Energinet would like to invite all consultants, working with and within the energy and ancillary services field, to a workshop on the 12th of December from 9.00 -15.00 in Fredericia. The purpose of the workshop is to inform about and demystify the ancillary service market while also explaining technical requirements for the delivery of ancillary services.

Energinet experience an information gab, when it comes to the utilization of assets in the ancillary service market and would like to put some more focus on this area going forward. Therefore, Energinet reaches out with the aim of building a bridge to all third-party providers/advisers, that can help us to decrease this gap and help activate and identify potential flexibility.

With the workshop, Energinet wants to help provide energy consultants with the newest and best insight in the ancillary services market, ensuring that you as consultant can advise your clients best possible. We will put emphasis on general information about the ancillary service market, the potential for different technologies to deliver ancillary services, potential earnings from delivering ancillary services and how to include ancillary services in the energy mix.

The intended audience for this day is primarily energy consultants, however, the event is open to all who wish to increase their knowledge and get a better understanding of the benefits and challenges of ancillary services.

The level of the workshop should be considered to cover a basic understanding but also dig a bit deeper into possible business cases and potential earnings from the ancillary service market.

The event is a physical event held at Vesterballevej 4, 7000 Fredericia. It will also be possible to attend online, however we encourage physical attendance to ensure the best environment for questions and discussions.


• Welcome
• Introduction to ancillary services
• Overview of the ancillary service markets
• Market conditions and potential earnings
• Technical requirements and prequalification
• Case example: Heat pump
• Case example: Consumption flexibility
• Ancillary services in the future
• Opportunity for additional questions
• End of day

Registration Deadline
28 November 2023 at 11.00 PM
12 December 2023
09.00 AM-03.00 PM
Trinity Hotel & Konference Center
Gl. Færgevej 30, 7000 Fredericia

Online participation

If you want to participate online this is still possible, please contact:

Anna Melchior Enggaard

mail: tlf.: 21567428 or

Andreas Pedersen

mail: tlf.: 20356558



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