On 9/1/2017, the FCR Cooperation TSOs launched a public consultation to get stakeholder input on the future of the FCR market. As a result of this, the FCR Cooperation TSOs launched a second public consultation on 15/2/2018 and submitted a proposal to national regulators. However, this proposal covers only a part of the market design and we would like to continue the developments by tackling different harmonization aspects.
The FCR Cooperation TSOs would therefore like to invite you to a workshop about the future development of the FCR market and the implementation of the already approved market design changes as described in the proposal towards the national regulators.
The workshop will be held at ENTSO-E premises, on 19 February 2019, 10:00-18:00
• ENTSO-E, Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
• Room C100 – COULOMB & C100 - FARADAY
• Introduction• Review FCR stakeholder consultations
• Implementation FCR market design changes 2019 & 2020
• Harmonisation of FCR market rules:
- Aggregation
- Power Meter Location
- Back-up requirement
- Monitoring
- Penalties
Those who will not be able to join the meeting can also follow us through webcast (a link will be provided to registered participants). However it has to be mentioned that you will have limited options (monitored chat function) to make comments or ask questions during the meeting, when connected by the webcast.
Please send your registration to FCR@entsoe.eu as soon as possible by 31 January 2019 at the latest and indicate:
• Subject: FCR cooperation - Stakeholder Workshop
• Your name and company
• Your preference for participation: a) webcast; b) physical presence
We are glad to have this opportunity to receive your feedback on our work and looking forward to a fruitful discussion.
Avenue de Cortenbergh 100, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
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