Energinet invites stakeholders to a dialogue meeting focusing on preliminary findings in the feasibility study for hydrogen transmission infrastructure

Following the political Power-to-X agreement reached on 15 March 2022, Energinet initiated a feasibility study for a hydrogen backbone connecting green hydrogen production sites with large scale storage and export. The study assesses the potential for establishing a hydrogen infrastructure and market through analysis of viability, stakeholder interest and socioeconomic rationality.

Energinet is now ready to share some of the preliminary findings and conclusions in the study. We would like to share this information and invite Power-to-X stakeholders to give input on the following topics: 
Energinet's preliminary proposal for the hydrogen infrastructure based on the results from the latest market dialogue and Energinet’s latest energy system analyses
Estimates for hydrogen transport and storage costs under different assumptions 
Updated timelines for establishing hydrogen transmission and storage infrastructure   
Potential market models for transportation of hydrogen 

The program for the day is still being developed and will be shared with participants in advance. In the meantime, you can find our status report with some of the preliminary analysis on our website, Feasibility study of hydrogen transmission infrastructure

Due to the increased security level at Energinet’s facilities, the event will take place at Comwell Middelfart. All presentations and material will be in English.

Place: Comwell Middelfart, Karensmindevej 3, 5500 Middelfart
Date: 28. November
Time: 10.00-15.00 (lunch included)

There will be networking coffee from 9.00. The program starts at 10.00.
We look forward to welcoming you to a fruitful dialogue and to learn about your perspectives. If you have any questions or suggestions for important topics that you would like us to cover, please do not hesitate to contact Tine Lindgren, til@energinet.dk / +45 23 33 87 15. 

The high political ambitions for utilizing the Danish onshore and offshore renewable energy potential and to position Denmark as a net exporter of green energy will require infrastructure for large scale transport and storage of hydrogen. The PtX agreement emphasizes the need for taking the first step towards a national hydrogen infrastructure that can promote exports to countries such as Germany. Consequently, Energinet recently signed a memorandum of understanding with one of the northern German gas transmission operators, Gasunie Deutschland, strengthening the cooperation in preparations for hydrogen infrastructure between Denmark and Germany.  
Registration Deadline
21 November 2022 at 04.00 PM
28 November 2022
10.00 AM-03.00 PM
Comwell Middelfart
Karensmindesvej 3, 5500 Middelfart



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