Shippers' Forum 14 September 2023 at The National Aquarium Denmark – Den Blå Planet

This Shippers' Forum will be held in Copenhagen at "The National Aquarium - Den Blå Planet" on Thursday, 14 September 2023. It is a forum for the gas market players and Energinet to discuss specific issues regarding operation and development of the Danish gas market focusing on the commercial aspects.

The participants are representatives from companies of shippers, gas suppliers, distribution and storage facility companies as well as transmission operators. Also, the Danish Utility Regulator and the Danish Energy Agency participate.

Program for the day:

08.30  Arrival and breakfast

09.00  Welcome, Clement Johan Ulrichsen, Energinet

09.10  European gas sector, Torben Brabo, GIE

09.45  Future gas market, Jens Kersting, RWE Supply & Trading GmbH

10.00  A "German" view on the Danish market for offshore wind and H2, Thomas Y, Westring Jensen,

          RWE Renewables Denmark A/S

10.20  Danish Utility regulator, Birgitta Bundgaard, Danish Utility Regulator

10.35  BREAK

10.50  Gas storage Denmark, Iliana Nygaard, Gas storage Denmark

11.05  Supply situation, Christian Meiniche Andersen, Energinet

11.20  Security of supply, Jane Glindvad Kristensen, Danish Energy Agency

11.35  Balancing and invoicing, Signe Louise Rasmussen, Energinet

11.50  Remarks, Clement Johan Ulrichsen, Energinet

12.00  Lunch

13.00  Guided tour at "The National Aquarium Denmark - Den Blå Planet"

14.00  Thanks for today

Registration Deadline
07 September 2023 at 04.00 PM
14 September 2023
08.30 AM-02.00 PM
Den Blå Planet
Jacob Fortlingsvej 1, 2770 Kastrup



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