Energinet invites representatives of shippers, gas suppliers, distribution companies as well as storage and transmission to discuss specific issues regarding operation and development of the Danish gas market focusing on the commercial aspects.
Also, the Danish Energy Regulatory Authority and the Danish Energy Authority participate as observers.
Programme for the meeting on 15 March 2018:
12.00 Lunch and networking
13.00 Welcome
Clement Johan Ulrichsen, Energinet
13.10 Early warning in Denmark
Christian Meiniche Andersen, Energinet
13.30 Security of supply situation in 2018
Christian Meiniche Andersen, Energinet
13.40 Status on the security of supply situation without Tyra
Claus Møller Petersen & Christian Rutherford, Energinet
13.55 Status and time schedule on the Baltic Pipe project
Christian Rutherford, Energinet
14.10 Financial Status
Christian Rutherford, Energinet
14.20 Coffee break and networking
14.50 Joint Balancing Zone DK-SE
Signe L. Rasmussen & Poul Johannes Jacobsen, Energinet
15.00 International – EU Commission analysis
Nicolai Sørensen, Energinet
15.10 View from a new shipper
SEAS-NVE Strømmen A/S
15.35 Capacities - Storage Year 2019
Hans-Aage Nielsen, Gas Storage Denmark
16.00 End of programme
Pederstrupvej 76, 2750 Ballerup
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