
Energinet is entrusted with an important social task. In fact, we only fully accomplish our goals when we include socio-economic and environmental considerations in our strategy.

Responsibility is part of our culture

As a state-owned enterprise tasked with the primary responsibility for the security of supply in Denmark, it is important to always be conscious of our obligation, position and authority. 
Consequently, sustainability is a central part of Energinet’s core principles and we pride ourselves of our corporate tradition and culture which first of all emphasise integrity.

It is without doubt, one of Energinet’s finest assets that we have such skilled and responsible employees, who make a difference, every day, in operating and developing our energy system towards a greener and more sustainable future.

Order in our own house

Great change starts at home. In order to live the change we wish to see realised in our society, we have to make sure we put our own house is in order. This is why we work diligently on improving our procedures and processes.

We take responsibility responsible resource management, climate and environmental impact of our infrastructure project and we understand the critical importance of an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders when we plan Denmark’s future energy infrastructure. We also work on risk assessment of our suppliers and we pay great attention to the health and safety of the work environment we provide for our employees.

At the same time, we focus on efficiency in our consumption of paper, digitalisation of employee communication and other energy-saving initiatives at our low-energy corporate offices in Ballerup and Erritsø.

UN Global Compact

Energinet joined the UN Global Compact in 2009, and since then the ten principles have been important yardsticks in our work with sustainability, aimed at the following areas:

  • Respect for human rights
  • Social conditions and human resources
  • Environment and Climate
  • Anti-corruption and bribery

The UN Global Compact is a UN initiative which sets out ten general principles for an enterprise’s work with sustainability. At Energinet, we fully embrace these principles and expect our suppliers to comply with the principles as well.

Read Energinet’s progress report on Global Compact.

Starting in 2016, in addition to the UN Global Compact, Energinet has also committed itself to UN’s universal sustainable development goals with our sustainability initiatives, and we continue to work on integrating them in our day-to-day business activities.

Annual statement concerning sustainability

In addition to our annual Sustainability report, Energinet issues an annual statement concerning sustainability and the under-represented gender, in compliance with § 99 a and § 99 b of the Danish Financial Statements Act. The annual statements ensure that Energinet systematically evaluates the results of our sustainability initiatives and activities for the year.