We promote strong European solutions

Energinet is largely dependent on a well-functioning European energy market to ensure Denmark’s security of supply in an electricity system which is increasingly characterised by fluctuating electricity generation. 

The development in Europe points toward increased harmonisation, deeper market integration, joint grid planning and closer operational cooperation and coordination of development activities. This experience is shared by energy sectors across the European member states and calls for stronger cross-border cooperation and collaboration between the TSOs.

Energinet’s European activities are carried out in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate and through the two umbrella organisations for the electricity and gas sectors: ENTSO-E and ENTSOG.

European TSOs have collaborated for decades, a collaboration that most recently was formalised in the European Commission’s third liberalisation package which also established the two ENTSOs in Brussels. Energinet is now an active participant in both ENTSOs.


Regulation 714/2009 established the European Network of Transmission System Operators – Electricity (ENTSO-E) which is a binding cooperation between EU’s TSOs in the electricity sector. Among its responsibilities, ENTSO-E is tasked with producing Ten Year Network Development Plans for electricity infrastructure in Europe and also contributes to the development of network codes for electricity transmission in Europe in dialogue with market stakeholders and national authorities. 

Learn more about ENTSO-E here.


Regulation 715/2009 established the European Network of Transmission System Operators - Gas (ENTSOG) which is a binding cooperation between EU’s TSOs in the gas sector. Among its responsibilities, ENTSOG is tasked with producing Ten Year Network Development Plans for the gas infrastructure in Europe and also contributes to the development of network codes for gas transmission in Europe in dialogue with market stakeholders and national authorities.

Jan Ingwersen, seconded from Energinet, is the General Manager of ENTSOG.

Learn more about ENTSOG here.