Guarantees of origin 

Energinet issues guarantees of origin which guarantee the source and method of production of a unit of electricity. The purpose of the guarantee of origin is to prove to the final customer that a given share or quantity of electricity has been produced from renewable energy sources.

Q&A for the most common questions regarding Guarantees of origin

We have gathered some of the most asked questions here. You can find documents and forms in the right column on this page.

Where can I find the rules and regulations for the Danish GO electricity domain?

The Domain Protocol sets out the procedures, rights, and obligations, which apply to the Domain of Denmark and relate to the EECS Electricity Scheme as defined in the EECS Rules.

The entire document can be found here: domain-protocol-energinet-version-3-2024.pdf 

How do we apply for an account in Energinets register?

To apply and register for an account you have to fill out the documents:


Documents can be found here: Documents and forms for certificates of origin (

How do you get certificates issued to your account in Energinets register?

If you wish to have certificates issued to your account (from production devices) you have to fill out:

  • REQUEST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GUARANTEES OF ORIGIN FOR RENEWABLES ELECTRICITY [this needs to filled out for each production unit you want to register for issuance of GOs]

Filled out application forms etc. should be sent to

Documents can be found here: Documents and forms for certificates of origin (

How much does it cost to have an account in Energinets register?

Please be aware that opening an account and receiving GOs etc. are subject to fees as stated on our web page Guarantees of origin-how much (

How long does it take to open an account?

The process of registering a new account holder is normally pretty quick. When Energinet receives your application Energinet initiates a ‘Know your customer’ process to ensure the legitimacy of the applicant. If Energinet have any additional questions in this relation, Energinet will contact the applicant.

When approved Energinet sets up the account and a root user in the electronic register G-REX and the applicant receives login information.

Can the owner of the production device transfer the right to receive GOs to another actor?

Producers (plant owners) can delegate the right to receive GOs to another account holder. This is done through filling out the form on POWER OF ATTORNEY AGREEMENT found on Energinets website. This agreement states that you are entitled to apply for the issuance of GOs for the plant (via the form REQUEST FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GUARANTEES OF ORIGIN FOR RENEWABLES ELECTRICITY).

The commercial agreement behind such a Power of Attorney Agreement (PoA) is between the account holder and the plant owner and not something Energinet is involved in (Energinet solely rely on the legality of the PoA provided to us).

Can we have more than one user for our account?

Energinet creates one root user for the account. The root user may add additional sub-users within your own organization.

How often are GOs issued?

EECS GOs are issued monthly, and no later than 15 days after end of the production month.

What is the granularity of GOs?

One EECS GO represent 1 MWh.

Which rules apply for issuing certificates backwards?

Energinet strives to do all new registrations prior to the monthly issuing. In cases where this is not possible issuing for past months can be performed after the registration (within the limit of 12 months according to the GO lifetime). 

The issuing can only be done back to operational grid connection date. GOs cannot be issued for months before grid connection. GOs can only be issued back to 1st of January in the current calendar year.

Which rules apply for withdrawing cancellations?

Energinet will in justifiable cases correct erroneous Cancellations provided the Account Holder has informed Energinet with a message that a Cancellation was made in error. This message must be sent within 3 working days of occurrence.

Is it possible to transfer GOs to other countries?

Energinets registry is connected to the European hub for GO transfer operated by AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies) through which international transfers can be made.

Members of AIB: AIB Members | AIB (

Transfers can be initiated through Energinets G-REX registry, but the marketplace for trade agreements is outside the system (bilateral trading between account holders).

Is it possible to cancel GOs in Denmark for consumption in other ex-domain countries?

Ex-domain cancellations are not an option in Energinets system. The system works in a way that GOs must be cancelled in the country/register where the consumption is located, ie. in Denmark for Danish consumption. Thus, GOs must be transferred to the relevant registry before cancellation.

Energinets register is connected to the European hub for GO transfer, which is operated by the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB), through which international transfers can be carried out. This means that you can export guarantees of origin via G-REX to those countries that also uses the AIB hub.

Do you recognize for disclosure purposes all AIB Members’ GOs?

We recognize for disclosure purposes only GOs issued by AIB-members in EU (incl. Norway and Iceland).  

Which rules apply for cancellations of GO’s in Energinet in regards to disclosure in Denmark?

The following rules apply when using GOs from renewable energy sources (EECS GO) for disclosure in Denmark:

  • All EECS GO which are meant to be used for the disclosure period of year x must be cancelled within their 12 month lifetime and before deadline of 31 March year x+1.
  • EECS GO which are not expired until this deadline can be used for the disclosure period of year x+1 instead.
  • EECS GO issued for production in year x cannot be used for the disclosure period of year x-1 and can until 31 March year x+1 only be used for the disclosure period of year x.

If we need to purchase GOs for disclosure, can this be done through Energinet’s registry? Or must we access a separate marketplace?

Energinets registry is only used for issuing, transfer, and cancellation of GOs. The GOs that you want to cancel for disclosure must be cancelled in Energinets register.

Trading with certificates is not something Energinet is involved in. This is a commercial matter and based on your agreements with other account holders either in DK or abroad.