Skal du have et nyt anlæg i elnettet?

Are you looking to connect a new facility to the electricity grid at transmission level?

See how to get started below.

Contact Energinet's Grid customer centre, if you do not find what you are looking for.

A simple outline

Here is a simple outline of the process for connecting your facility to the electricity grid.

Contact your local grid company

When you are looking to connect a new facility to the grid, you must first contact your local grid company. They will find out whether your facility should be connected with them in the distribution grid or with Energinet in the transmission grid. On Green Power Denmark’s website, you can find your local grid company.

Find grid company


Opstart og afklaring

You must contact your local grid company, who will then determine whether your facility will be connected in the distribution or transmission grid. If your facility is to be connected to the transmission grid, you will receive an e-mail from your grid company with a link to Energinet's online customer portal.

In this phase, you create a user profile in Energinet's online customer portal. At the same time, you create your project with the information needed at this stage of the process. You can keep track of the progress of your project, and you can see what information and documentation you must send to Energinet.

If you are planning an additional project with a new facility, you must contact your grid company again and wait for a new link to the online customer portal. Using this link, you must add your new project.

The process for your connection to the transmission grid depends on the type of project you have:

  1. A standard project
  2. A project which requires expansion of the electricity grid
  3. A project that requires adjustments to fit your particular needs.

Read more about the three project types under Frequently asked questions.

Expect the initial dialogue and clarification to take 3-5 months.


To launch this phase, you must enter the following information in Energinet's online customer portal: the location of your facility, the type of facility, the size of the facility, and your expected timetable. When these details are in place, you enter into a so-called screening and maturation agreement with Energinet.

Energinet makes a screening decision which describes where your facility can be connected and the estimated connection time, as well as financial information about the project. You now have 3 months to approve the screening decision. Once you have approved the screening decision, your project will move to the maturation phase and Energinet will begin to do more specific calculations.

We will also begin to prepare the grid connection agreement which is the outcome of the maturation phase. Therefore, you must also prepare an accurate sketch of the facility's design and clarify with your local grid company how the settlement meter for the facility will be made. (What is a measuring transformer? See Frequently asked questions.)

Energinet recommend that you also start work on grid and simulation models for your facility that show how your facility affects the rest of the grid.

The phase ends with us entering into a grid connection agreement, which stipulates connection requirements for your facility. 

The length of this phase largely depends on when you can provide the information Energinet need at the various steps, including facility design details. Expect this phase to take 9-18 months, depending on the complexity of your facility.

This is the construction phase. You build your facility and, at the same time, Energinet make the necessary changes to the transmission grid.

To complete your connection and go into full operation, you will need three permits along the way: EON, ION, and FON.

EON, the energisation operational notification, is your permit to energise your facility internally and any auxiliary supplies via the point where the facility is connected to the grid (point of connection).

ION, the interim operational notification, is your permit to operate the facility via the grid connection point. The permit is valid for a limited test period of maximum 24 months, during which you must test your facility and show that it complies with the technical requirements.

FON, the final operational notification, is issued when you have proven that your facility meets all requirements. The FON is your permit to operate the facility fully.

Expect the establishment phase until issue of an ION to take 20-36 months.

Energinet's grid customer centre are there for you every step of the way

Our grid customer centre will be your permanent point of contact at Energinet throughout the connection process. The grid customer centre help to answer your questions and facilitate contact with relevant colleagues at Energinet. We also help handle your project in the start-up/clarification phase and planning phase. Contact us at


Find translated rules for connection to the electricity grid of e.g. generation, consumption, and energy storage facilities (please note that translations are not available for all rules, regulations, conditions, and methods): GRID CONNECTION RULES

Find the full set of rules, regulations, conditions, and methods at our Danish site.

You can also find answers to frequently asked questions about the connection of facilities to the electricity grid:

Where to find available capacity for new production facilities?

The capacity map (Danish only) developed by Energinet and Green Power Denmark shows, based on a production map, estimated current available capacity in the electricity grid for connection and full integration of new electricity production into the 50-60 kV and 132-150 kV grids.

What is a standard project?

A standard project can be connected to an existing substation without Energinet needing regulator approval, and a point of connection can be assigned in an existing substation. 

You can expect a standard project to focus on fast connection and it can typically be completed in about 30 months.

What is a project which requires expansion of the electricity grid?

This type of project is dependent on an expansion project, because the connection either requires a new substation or regulator approval in connection with expansion of an existing one.

You can expect this type of project to typically be completed in about 60 months.

What is a project that requires adjustments to fit your particular needs?

This type of project is a non-standard project where the project and its consequences must be clarified before a point of connection can be assigned. We need clarifying input before a solution can be found and the project can continue (e.g. project specifications, grid calculation model, answers from the authorities about connection requirements or similar, new technology/upgrades to existing, new legislation/requirements).

You can expect this type of project to focus on guidance and dialogue, so that we can find the best solution together.

What you, as a grid user, can expect from Energinet, and what Energinet expect from you as a grid customer

As a grid user, you can expect:

  • One single contact person who ensures coordination throughout the project
  • Access to an online grid user portal where all documentation, communication, and agreements can be found
  • A final project time schedule that Energinet and the facility owner must agree on during the establishment phase
  • An introduction to ancillary services
  • An introduction to/insight into technical requirements and connection solution
  • Status, responses, and meetings on request
  • That Energinet, as a public authority, handle your grid connection project in accordance with the legal principles we are governed by.

Energinet expect:

  • That the grid user familiarises himself with requirements and connection rules under guidance
  • That the grid user enters into agreements, provides guarantees, and provides input as agreed
  • That the grid user complies with legislation and regulation.

Online grid user portal: user profile creation and function

User profile creation
If your facility is to be connected to the electricity transmission grid, Energinet will create a user profile for you in our online grid user portal. You will receive a link to the portal from your local grid company, not directly from Energinet. This is how the grid company hands over your project to Energinet.


The grid user portal is an online solution where the whole project process is handled in one place. The portal ensures that you, as a grid user, always have an overview of where you are in the process. The portal also shows the documentation that you must send (upload) for each step of the process.

When are we guaranteed capacity?

Legally, capacity is secured when you enter into the grid connection agreement, in which you accept our technical requirements, and you also provide a guarantee. Already when we enter into the screening agreement, you as a grid user are guaranteed a place in the grid. You are only guaranteed this place if you continue with the project directly through our process and enter into agreements and provide guarantees when necessary.

What does it cost to connect a facility to the electricity grid?

The actual costs of the grid connection depend on several factors, including whether it is a consumption (demand) or production (generation) facility. This will be clarified in our initial dialogue.

In the initial phases up to the entering into the grid connection agreement, you only have to pay our internal costs (hours) and you can choose to stop the project at any time.

Provision of guarantee: When and how much?

When we enter into the grid connection agreement, you must provide a bank guarantee covering our total costs in relation to your connection.

What will we as facility owners have to deliver, and what do Energinet deliver?

The limit for Energinet's deliveries for a connection to the electricity transmission grid is the terminals in the substation that your high-voltage cables will be connected to. Everything from there and to/in your facility must be supplied by you, including all permits, approvals, landowner agreements, etc.

Generally speaking, there are very limited possibilities for you to place parts of your system/components at our stations.

Measuring transformer: What is this?

All facilities in the high-voltage grid must have a settlement meter and this meter uses measurements from current and voltage transformers in the substation. The local grid company handles settlement metering, but Energinet supplies and installs the measuring transformers for current and voltage. Therefore, you must contact your local grid company early in the process as they must provide Energinet with specifications for the measuring transformers.

Grid and simulation models: What are these and why do we need to get started on them early?

What are grid and simulation models?
Grid and simulation models are models of your facility created in software used for analyses of the electricity system. The models must show that your facility complies with the requirements for, for example, electrical noise, to ensure that connecting your facility to the grid does not have a negative impact on the remaining grid.


Why do we need to start make models early?
The models take a long time to make, and afterwards they must be reviewed and approved by Energinet. If the models cannot be approved, you must adjust and submit them for approval again. It takes a long time to review the models thoroughly, especially if several iterations are necessary, which is why Energinet recommend that you start making models already in the planning phase. Please note that the models are complicated to make and may therefore require input from specialists in the field.

Tariffs and fees

Energinet's activities are financed by tariffs. A tariff is a tax paid by consumers, producers, and balance responsible parties.

Energinet's electricity tariffs and fees cover the costs of operations, depreciation, financing, and administration.

Read more: Tariffs.

Energinet's long-term development plan (LUP24)

The long-term development plan 2024 (Langsigtede Udviklingsplan 2024) is a key element of Energinet's future investment platform. It offers an outline of where grid expansion and reinforcement are necessary - and the projects that Energinet have planned for the next 20 years.

The report and appendices are available in Danish only for now, but the main report will be translated and the link updated when an English version is available.

Make money by turning your production up or down

We call this ancillary services, and we need a lot of these. They make it easier for us to balance production and consumption – and thus ensure a high level of security of supply.

Ancillary Services