Information about the electricity market and ancillary services

Participants in the Danish electricity market can find answers to some frequently asked questions about the market and ancillary services.

Information about the Danish electricity market and ancillary services.

The top box holds examples of frequently asked questions about the Danish electricity market, while the bottom box holds examples of frequently asked questions about ancillary services.

If you do not find the answer to your question(s), please feel free to contact us via the e-mail link to the right.

Must I have a contract with eSett if I want to participate in the Danish electricity markets?

Yes, eSett handles settlement for all Danish market participants and, therefore, the market participant must make a contract with eSett.

Can foreign businesses participate in the Danish electricity markets?

Yes, as long as they are VAT registered in an EU country.

As a balance-responsible party, must I submit notofications to both eSett and Energinet?

Yes, Energinet uses notifications in our operations, and eSett uses notifications for settlement purposes.

Can bids be aggregated across price areas

No, bids can only be aggregated within the same price area (DK1 or DK2).

Must I have an agreement with a balance-responsible party to supply ancillary services?

If you supply products with considerable energy supplies (FCR-N, aFRR, mFRR), you must have an agreement with a balance-responsible party. If you supply products without considerable energy supplies (FFR, FCR, FCR-D), you can register your services directly with Energinet without an agreement with a balance-responsible party.

Where can I find general information about the different ancillary services products?

You find information about the different ancillary services products and links to more reading materiale on Tender conditions for ancillary services.

Is settlement of ancillary services handled via eSett?

Yes, all settlement is generally handled via eSett, also payment for ancillary services. Energinet still handles a few settlements of capacity reserves, but the aim is to move all settlements to eSett at some point.

What is prequalification?

Prequalification is a test of your facility or portfolio of facilities. For a facility to be approved to supply ancillary services, it must be prequalified.

Didn't find the answer to your question?

Send us at Energinet an e-mail if you didn't find the answer to your question.
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