Become a balance responsible party in Denmark

Read about the requirements and process for becoming a balance responsible party here

About the balance resposible party role

A balance responsible party, also referred to as a BRP, is the company responsible for imbalances in its portfolio of production and consumption units and/or trades physical power. This role gives access to the day-ahead, intraday and the balancing market, and a BRP can be active in both the electricity market and the balancing market.

The balance responsible party is financially responsible for imbalances and deviations between the planned and the actual production, consumption, and trade of power.

A balance responsible party can also, through agreement with Energinet, deliver ancillary services, if the technical and legal requirements are met.   

Read more about the BRP role in forskrift C1.


Requirements for new BRPs

  • The company must be familiar with the regulations for balance responsibility, which you can read here (only in Danish)
  • The company must have an EIC-number, which can be acquired by filling out this form and sending it to
  • The company must have a GLN-number, which can be acquired here


The process to become a BRP

Step 1: The company must fill out this form and send it to who will start the credit assessment process. BRPs must provide 1.000.000 DKK in financial collateral either through Energinet’s credit assessment or through a bank guarantee.

Step 2: The company must enter into an agreement with eSett, who is resposible for imbalance settlement. Click here to read more about eSetts requirements and to register. 

Step 3: If your company wish to deliver ancillary services, its units needs to be prequalified. Read more about prequalification and tests here.

Step 4: If your company wish to deliver ancillary services, its' units must be registered in Datahub. Read more about Datahub and registration here.


For BRPs delivering ancillary services 

  • Balance responsibility parties with production units that supply ancillary services are required to comply with Bekendtgørelse om IT-beredskab for el- og naturgassektorerne.

  • All companies supplying electricity in Denmark are required to comply with the technical regulations, which you can find here.

  • Balance responsible parties can test their systems against Datahub. You can read more about this here.