Become a balance service provider in Denmark

Read about the requirements for balance service provider and apply here

About the balance service provider role

A balance service provider, or BSP, can deliver the ancillary services FFR, FCR & FCR-D, which have a limited energy supply. To deliver the ancillary services aFRR and mFRR in either the balancing and/or the capacity market, the company must be a balance responsible party (read about the BRP role here).

Requirements for new BSPs

  • To deliver ancillary services with a limited energy supply, FFR, FCR & FCR-D, your company must be familiar with the C1 regulation
  • The company must have an EIC-number, which can be acquired by filling out this form and sending it to
  • The company must have a GLN-number, which can be acquired here


The proces to become a new BSP

Step 1: The company must enter into an agreement with eSett, who is responsible for imbalance settlement. Click here to read more about eSetts requirements and to register. 

Step 2: Fill out this form and send it to to start the credit assessment process. The company must provide 100.000 DKK in financial collateral either through Energinet’s credit assessment or through a bank guarantee.

Step 3: The company must have prequalified units. Read more about prequalification and tests here.

Step 4: all units must be registered in Datahub. Read more about Datahub and the registration proces of units here.