Data Catalog - Energi Data Service

Publicly available datasets on Energi Data Service categorised in groups according to topics. Below the groups you may read more information to find the dataset you require.

Electricity Consumption

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Electricity Consumption Hour Municipality Consumption per Industry, Public and Private, Municipality and Hour
Electricity Consumption Month Municipality Consumption per Industry, Public and Private, Municipality and Month
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Hour Municipality Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Municipality and Hour
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Month Municipality Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Municipality and Month
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Hour National Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Hour
Electricity Consumption - Industry code Hour Business Consumption per DK36/DK19 Industry Code per Hour
Electricity Consumption - Industry code Year Municipality Consumption per DK10 Industry Code, Municipality and Year
Electricity Consumption - Grid areas Hour Grid Area Consumption per Grid Area
Electricity Production and Consumption Hour Price Area Production and Consumption - Settlement
Measuring Points Month Grid Area / Price Area Datahub Measuring Point Statistics
Measuring Points Month Municipality Datahub Measuring Point Statistics per Municipality

The time resolution for measuring points is hours since 1/1 2021. The development in the electricity consumption for a business before 2021, must be read with reservations.


Electricity Consumption datasets are based on the measuring points in DataHub.


Consumption per DK36/DK19 Industry Code per Hour:

  • DK36 business code from the SE register. All private consumption as ”Privat”.
  • Released in the first edition after 8 days. Data is updated after 3 months. In principle, there may be corrections with up to 2 years delay.
  • The sum per hour must correspond to the sum of production and exchange without own consumption minus transmission losses and distribution losses (net consumption without own consumption).
  • Data available from 1/1 2020.

Electricity Production

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Electricity Production Minute National Power System Right Now
Electricity Production Hour Municipality Production per Municipality per Hour
Electricity Production Month Municipality Production per Municipality
Electricity Production and Consumption Hour Price Area Production and Consumption - Settlement
Electricity Production and Exchange 5 minutes Price Area Electricity Production and Exchange 5 min Realtime
Electricity - System balance Hour Price Area Electricity Balance Non-Validated
Capacity - Production type* Month Municipality Capacity per Municipality
Measuring Points Month Grid Area / Price Area Datahub Measuring Point Statistics
Measuring Points Month Municipality Datahub Measuring Point Statistics per Municipality
Forecast - Wind and Solar 5 minutes Price Area Forecast Wind and Solar Power, 5 min
Forecast - Wind and Solar Hour Price Area Forecast Wind and Solar Power, Hour Resolution


*Capacity per Municipality:

  • Installed power per municipality is currently the only dataset with capacities.

Read about chosing the right dataset: Use the right data - Fast effect or slow precision?


Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Electricity Consumption Hour Municipality Consumption per Industry, Public and Private, Municipality and Hour
Electricity Consumption Month Municipality Consumption per Industry, Public and Private, Municipality and Month
Electricity Consumption Year Municipality Consumption per DK10 Industry Code, Municipality and Year
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Hour Municipality Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Municipality and Hour
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Month Municipality Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Municipality and Month
Electricity Consumption - Housing and heating categories Hour National Private Consumption per Housing and Heating Categories and Industry Consumption by Hour
Electricity Production Hour Municipality Production per Municipality per Hour
Electricity Production Month Municipality Production per Municipality
Capacity - Production type* Month Municipality Capacity per Municipality
Measuring Points Month Municipality Datahub Measuring Point Statistics per Municipality

The time resolution for measuring points is hours since 1/1 2021. The development in the electricity consumption for a business before 2021, must be read with reservations.


Find a list of municipality codes here.


Electricity consumption in the municipality:

  • Consumption at the hourly level per DK36 industry code presents challenges in relation to the GDPR.

Production per Municipality and Production per Municipality per Hour:

  • The month is calculated for the first time with a 9 day delay.

*Capacity per Municipality:

  • Installed power per municipality is currently the only dataset with capacities.

Renewable Energy

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Electricity Production Minute National Power System Right Now
Electricity Production 5 minutes Price Area Electricity Production and Exchange 5 min Realtime
Electricity Production Hour Municipality Production per Municipality per Hour
Electricity Production Month Municipality Production per Municipality
Electricity Production and Consumption Hour Price Area Production and Consumption - Settlement
Electricity - System balance Hour Price Area Electricity Balance Non-Validated
Capacity - Production type* Month Municipality Capacity per Municipality
Grid Capacity Month Station Grid Capacity Map DSO
Grid Capacity Month Station Grid Capacity Map TSO
Forecast - Wind and Solar 5 minutes Price Area Forecast Wind and Solar Power, 5 min
Forecast - Wind and Solar Hour Price Area Forecast Wind and Solar Power, Hour Resolution


Capacity per Municipality*:

  • Installed power per municipality is currently the only dataset with capacities.

Environment and Declarations

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
CO2 Emission Hour Price Area CO2 Emission
CO2 Emission - Forecast Hour Price Area CO2 Emission Prognosis
Electricity Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Consumption Coverage, Location based
Municipality declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Consumption Coverage, Transmission
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration Grid Emission
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration Grid Emission Versions
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration, Transmission Emissions
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration, Transmission Emissions Versions
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration Grid Mix
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage Hour Price Area Declaration Grid Mix Versions
Environmental declaration - Consumption Coverage RE Hour Municipality RE Coverage Municipality
Electricity Consumption - National declaration Hour Price Area / National Consumption Coverage, Hourly National Statistics
Electricity Production Hour Price Area Declaration, Production types and Emissions per Hour
Electricity Production Hour Price Area Declaration, Production types and Emissions per Hour, Versions
Electricity Production Hour Price Area Declaration, Transmission Grid Mix
Electricity Production Hour Price Area Declaration, Transmission Grid Mix Versions
Electricity - Balance real time Hour Price Area Electricity Balance Non-Validated
Electricity Production and Consumption Hour Price Area Production and Consumption - Settlement
Electricity import Hour Price Area Declaration Import
Electricity import Hour Price Area Production Types Import

CO2 Emission and CO2 Emission Prognosis:

  • Both CO2 forecast and real-time inventory are based on a last year's emissions per kWh produced per plant.
  • Forecasts are based on the player plan and are issued together with results for the Day ahead trade.
  • The final declaration of CO2 can only be calculated in the middle of the following calendar year, when the actually burned fuels are known.
  • The deviations from the current inventory to the final inventory of CO2 are typically below 10 grams per kWh.

Transmission Lines

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Electricity Production and Exchange 5 minutes Price Area Electricity Production and Exchange 5 min Realtime
Capacity and Exchange Hour Price Area Transmission Lines
Connection Points - Station Connection Points in the Electricity Grid
Grid Capacity Month Station Grid Capacity Map DSO
Grid Capacity Month Station Grid Capacity Map TSO
Foreign Exchange Hour Price Area Foreign Exchange

Transmission Lines:

  • The dataset includes data on capacity, planned exchange day ahead and intraday, along with measured and settled exchange per hour.



Electricity Market

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Elspot Prices Hour Price Area Elspot Prices
Datahub Prices Period Electricity supplier Datahub Price List
Electricity Suppliers Month Grid Area Active Electricity Suppliers per Grid Area
Electricity Suppliers Month Grid Area Change of Electricity Suppliers per Grid Area
Electricity Market Hour - Countertrade Procured in Intraday
Electricity Production and Exchange 5 minutes Price Area Electricity Production and Exchange 5 min Realtime
Competition Month Grid Area Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) per Grid Area
Measuring Points Month Grid Area / Price Area Datahub Measuring Point Statistics
Measuring Points Month Municipality Datahub Measuring Point Statistics per Municipality
Foreign Exchange Hour Price Area Foreign Exchange


Read about the Electricity Market.

Ancillary Services

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
aFRR Hour Price Area aFRR, Activated Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves
aFRR Hour Price Area aFRR, Automatic Frequency Restoration Reserves, Nordic Capacity Market
FCR Hour Price Area DK1 FCR, Frequency Containment Reserves, DK1
FCR-N og FCR-D Hour Price Area DK2 FCR N and D, Frequency Containment Reserves, DK2
FFR Hour Price Area DK2 FFR, Fast Frequency Reserve, Demand DK2
FFR Hour Price Area DK2 FFR, Fast Frequency Reserve, DK2
Inertia Hour Price Area Inertia, Nordic Synchronous Area
mFRR Hour Price Area mFRR, manuel Frequency Restoration Reserves, Capacity Market
mFRR Hour Price Area Regulating and Balance Power, Overall Data

Read about Ancillary Services: Ancillary Services

Physical Gas

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Gas flow and quality Hour Entry/exit point Entry/Exit Gas Flow and Quality
Gas flow and quality Hour MR Station Gas Quality and Flow for MR Stations
Gas composition and quality Hour National Gas Composition and Quality for Transmission
Gas composition and quality Month National Gas Composition and Quality for Transmission, Monthly
Gas composition and quality Year National Gas Composition and Quality for Transmission, Yearly
Gas calorific values Month MR Station Monthly Allocated Calorific Values

The biogas share is calculated as deliveries divided by average consumption one year back.

Read about Gas Quality.

Gas Market

Topic Resolution Geography Navn/link
Gas Market Gas Day - Commercial Gas Amounts
Gas Prices Gas Day - Gas Daily Balancing Price
Gas Prices Month - Gas Monthly Neutral Price DKK/kWh
Gas - Allocation Hour / Gas Day - Gas Hourly Allocation and Nomination
Gas - Booked Gas Day - Gas Booked by Product
Gas - Capacity Gas Day - Gas Capacity Usage
Gas - System balance Hour / Gas Day - Gas Accumulated System Balance
Gas - System balance Gas Day - Gas Daily System Commercial Balance
Gas - System balance Gas Day - Gas Daily System Commercial Balance before 01-10-2022
Gas nomination Hour National Storage Hourly Nomination

Read about the Gas Market.

Gas Storage

Topic Resolution Geography Name/link
Expected availability Gas Day National Storage Expected Availability
Storage Utilization Gas Day National Storage Utilization
Gas nomination Hour National Storage Hourly Nomination
Available capacity Gas Day National Storage Available Capacity

Read about Gas Storage Data

Worth knowing

Read more information related to the publicly available datasets on Energi Data Service.

Data sources in Energinet


Data based on settlements containing actual production and categories, exchanges, consumption on individual addresses.

  • Actual production, transmission and consumption
  • Balance and activated reserves

Resolution consumer level: hourly / yearly, aggregated.



Running data from most power generators with information about types, effect, main fuel, municipality.

  • Scaled total production and consumption

Resolution: Near realtime, 1 min.



Data about the electricity market and the planned operation, prognoses, ancillary services, main fuel types:

  • Trading data and planned power exchanges
  • Planned production
  • CO2 signal

Resolution: 5 min. to hourly.



Data on gas market and gas quality measures from entry/exit point, MR stations.

  • Gas composition
  • Calorific value
  • Biomethane share
  • Flow

Resolution: 3 min. to yearly



West and east Danish electricity transmission systems:

  • Nodes
  • Transmission lines
  • Transformers

Resolution: to be determined.



Calculation of electricity production, import and export as well as consequent environmental impacts:

  • Emissions
  • Fuel consumption
  • Forecasts, preliminary statements and declarations
  • Import and export, fuels

Resolution: 5 min. to annually.

Use the right data - Fast effect or slow precision?

Real time measurements

Data based on real time measurements (SCADA)

  • The unit is always MWh/h, which is an interpolated average power.
  • There might be errors in data, which will usually not be corrected.
  • Data is partly calculated and is not suitable for statistical purposes.
  • Not all production facilities submit real-time data, so total production is approximate.
  • Consumption is calculated as the sum of production and exchange.
Topic Resolution Geography Name / link
Electricity Production Minute National Power System Right Now
Electricity Production 5 minutes Price Area Electricity Production and Exchange 5 min Realtime
Electricity -  System balance Hour Price Area Electricity Balance Non-Validated

Settlement data from DataHub

  • Data based on DataHub is transmitted for the first time after 8 days. Usually only small later updates.
  • Approximately 99 % correct after 1 month. In Energi Data Service it is usually updated the last time after 3 months.
  • Net consumption is calculated as gross consumption minus losses.
  • Must be used for statistical purposes.
Topic Resolution Geography Name / link
Electricity Production and Consumption Hour Price Area Production and Consumption - Settlement

The dataset include:

Production delivered to the electricity grid divided into:

  • Central and decentralized works
  • Wind power, land and sea divided by size
  • Solar cells, divided into sizes
  • Hydro power

Self-consumption sun and works, both approximate

Does not have a breakdown by fuel, here reference is made to declarations.


  • Divided into Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands

Grid loss:

  • Divided into international connections, internal transmission losses and distribution losses


  • Gross consumption calculated as sum of production and exchange.
  • Electricity for heating, primarily electric boilers.

Rarely used on websites due to slow updating, but should always be used for statistics.

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Energi Data Service