Shippers’ Forum is now on YouTube
Did you miss Shippers’ Forum on 13 December, or need to re-consult the event?
The presentation from Shippers’ Forum last week is now available on Youtube. The complete 2 and a half hours’ presentation is ready and uploaded.
You can now see and hear more about the topics of the event ranging from Baltic Pipe, the future ramp down of supply from the Tyra-platform, and get an overview of the supply situation. Also the future market coupling of Denmark and Sweden on the gas market and European Union’s positive view on gas in a future green energy system was part of the programme.
As one shipper, Jens Kersting from RWE, expressed after Shippers’ Forum: “I found that this Shippers’ Forum was one of the more exciting events recently. In particular the Tyra topics were very interesting, and it was extremely helpful that they were presented.”
See and hear for yourself by following this link: