Meet us at E-world 2019

For the fourth time Energinet Gas TSO will be represented at E-world and encourage all players on the Danish gas market, existing players as well as potential new players to contact us for a meeting

The Danish gas market look towards a period of exiting development in the near future such as:

  • Market coupling between Denmark and Sweden with the Joint Balancing Zone coming into force on 1 April 2019
  • Construction of Baltic Pipe, bringing Norwegian gas through Denmark to Poland.
  • Redevelopment of the Tyra-platform in the North Sea, leading to a change in the supply situation during the period from 2019-2022
  • Development of a market model for Green Gas

If you and your company are interested in hearing more about the Danish gas market, please contact us to set up a meeting.


Schedule a meeting

Please contact us for a meeting on 5 or 6 February 2019 in Essen by sending an e-mail to this e-mail address:

For further information please consult our website


We look forward to hearing from you.



Exhibitors and visitors from more than 70 nations come together in Essen to exchange news and views on the latest market developments. The focus of the trade fair is on products and technologies in the areas of energy services, information technology and energy trade. In addition, the topic area “Smart Energy” is devoted to intelligent, efficient and renewable solutions. The topic area “Innovation” places its emphasis on the future of the energy industry: Start-ups und research institutes present their new and innovative products and solutions.


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