Revised proposal on seasonal gas tariffs during the redevelopment of the Tyra platform

Energinet Gas TSO has decided to revise the proposed seasonal gas tariffs. This is done based on input from the user group meeting held on 25 January 2019 and an overall assessment of the hearing responses.

In the revised proposal of seasonal gas tariffs 3 main factors have changed:


  1. The multipliers for quarterly, monthly and daily capacity products have been increased in October to April (except for a decrease of the multiplier for daily products in January and February).
  2. A stepwise increase in the price for monthly and daily products from December to March.
  3. The seasonal gas tariffs will only apply for entry and exit Ellund. And thereby not apply for the Joint Exit Zone, BNG entry, Nybro entry.


Revised proposal of seasonal gas tariffs (in Entry and Exit Ellund):

Table showing firm capacity gas charges

Revisions are based on feed-back from the market participants

From 18 January to 8 February 2019 Energinet Gas TSO conducted a market consultation on seasonal gas tariffs during the Tyra redevelopment. Energinet Gas TSO received valuable inputs from the market and – on that background – we have decided to revise the proposal of seasonal gas tariffs.  


The original proposal was published on 18 January 2019: Read the proposal here


Additional comments?

If you have comments to the revised proposal, please send us your response on Wednesday 27 February 2019 at the latest.


Please send your response to:



We will inform shippers no later than 28 February 2019 in case we decide to change this proposal further. Otherwise we will send the revised proposal above on seasonal gas tariffs to the Danish Utility Regulator. 



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