Re-launch of it-platform for REMIT messages

The it-platform for publishing REMIT messages ( will be re-launched in a new design and with improved functionalities on 1 October 2019.

Sign up already now to continue receiving messages

The new platform is born with a subscription option, which is open for new sign-ups already now.

Please open the link below using Chrome, Edge or Safari - not Explorer.

Link to subscription page on the new platform

Two ways of using the platform 

As an improvement compared to the existing platform, the new one distinguishes between users, who have the need to publish messages and users wishing to stay updated by subscribing to messages published on the platform.

  1. Subscription to the portal is open for all
  2. Publishing access requires a written agreement

New agreement is needed for publishing access

If you wish to be able to publish messages at some point, your company needs to sign a new Gasmarketmessage Agreement and indicate which users will need new logins.

Please download and fill in this request form for publishing access:

Request form for GMM Agreement and publishing access 

Please send the request by 20 September 2019 to


About the gasmarketmessage-portal

Market participant on the Danish gas market may use for public disclosure of REMIT messages. 

Under the Regulation on Wholesale Energy Market Integrity and Transparency (“REMIT) all mar-ket participants shall publicly disclose inside information which, if it was made public, would be likely to significantly affect the prices of wholesale energy products. 

REMIT messages typically include information relevant to the capacity and use of facilities for production, storage, consumption or transmission of natural gas.



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