How to balance the gas system in future?

Albert Einstein once said: "Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving “. Energinet Gas TSO has taken the first move towards a future balancing model already now, even though it must first be implemented in a few years.

To succeed we need input and cooperation in an open dialogue about how the model should look like. 

To keep the balance in the Danish gas market when integrating Baltic Pipe as well as the green transition, we need to make our move now.

We use the inputs to be sure that we develop a model that suits most of you and your business. On 15 November 2019 the first workshop was held as a user group meeting and more will follow.

On this first user group meeting the participants were presented with the introductory issues to be able to evaluate the future balancing needs.

Some of the key questions are:

  • How do you expect the market development will be with Baltic Pipe?
  • How will the price signals be in the market?
  • Will the gas exchange be used?
  • How will the storage facilities in Denmark be used?
  • How can a firmer balancing model be attractive for shippers?

Read more in the slides from the user group.

The coming months until February 2020, Energinet Gas TSO will engage in further dialogue with shippers, with both the Danish and the Swedish regulator and seak inspiration from other countries. The first findings will be presented at Shippers Forum in March and another user group meeting will be held in April/May 2020.




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