Issue calculating the Green band during Christmas effects balancing prices.
A measuring error effecting data caused Energinet Gas TSO to be unable to calculate the green band correctly during Christmas from 23 December until 29 December. Shippers imbalance prices will be adjusted accordingly.
A measuring error in October effected data just before Christmas. This caused Energinet Gas TSO to be unable to calculate the green band correctly during a period from 23 December until 29 December. During this period Energinet Gas TSO urged shippers to balance based on their own portfolio and disregard the green band.
For a couple of days, the System Commercial Balance (SCB) ended up in the yellow zone, which under normal circumstances causes the imbalance price to be settled at adjustment step 2, for shippers with imbalances in the same direction. However, due to the incorrect green band , shippers will only be charged the adjustment step 1 during this period.
It is our impression that Shippers acted responsible and took effort into keeping their balance during this period.
Energinet Gas TSO will work to prevent a similar issue in the future.
We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused shippers.