Update to Safe Storage Level

Energinet has now updated the Safe Storage Level tool with the additional capacity of 0,57 GWh/h which has been made available from Gasunie Deutschland at Entry Ellund as of 1 January 2022.

Please note that the updated and more positive outlook in the Safe Storage Level tool Is dependent on the additional capacity being utilized by shippers for supply from Ellund.

The Safe Storage Level is Energinet’s calculation of the minimal need for gas in the Danish gas storage facilities for the market to be able to supply Danish and Swedish consumption in case of a cold period in the remaining storage season. 
The calculation assumes maximum supply in Ellund Entry to the Danish and Swedish gas market for the rest of the storage year.

Please visit our homepage for more information on the Safe Storage Level: https://en.energinet.dk/Gas/Tyra/Safe-storage-level



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