Invoicing of gas capacity postponed

Following the dialogue with the Danish Utility Regulator related to the calculation of gas capacity tariffs, a minor tariff adjustment is required which requires a change to IT. The changed is expected to be finalized by end November, postponing the invoicing of gas capacity for October and November until then.

With the implementation of the Baltic Pipe Energinet have introduced a non-transmission tariff. This enables Energinet to have uniform tariffs on all Entry- and Exit points, reducing the added complexity to the Danish Transmission System following the expansion of both onshore and offshore infrastructure which is governed by different regulations.

However, the Danish Utility Regulator has highlighted that Energinet’s application of multipliers is not applicable for non-transmission tariffs.

Energinet will correct the published gas capacity tariffs for the Gas Year 2022/2023 and make the necessary adjustments to our back-end IT systems in order to invoice Shippers correctly and within the framework approved by the Danish Utility Regulator.


When will Shippers receive invoices for gas capacities.

The required changes to Energinet’s IT systems will be in place by the end of November, where invoicing of gas capacities for October and November will commence. Shippers can expect to receive invoices no later than mid-December.



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