Status on imbalance settlement for gas – Energinet will recommence invoicing

After a period of renewed IT-development and testing, Energinet is now ready to recommence invoicing of imbalance settlement. Before Christmas we expect to invoice the period of Q4-2022, which is currently not invoiced. Energinet will start by invoicing November and December before re-invoicing October. Invoicing for all of 2023 is expected to be sent out before the end of March 2024.

IT-fix and testing finalized and system is ready for invoicing

Following the Gas news update on Oct 9, 2023 (Status on imbalance settlement for gas – correction for invoicing for October 2022 ( Energinet has over the past month been heavily engaged in correcting and testing the invoicing module in order to ensure correct invoicing of imbalance settlement according to the balancing model. Fix has concerned the allocation of CAP volumes among the shippers. Final tests have now been passed and we are ready to start the operational invoicing process again. After an extra thorough check we expect to send out November 2022 invoices to all shippers as the first. After sending November 2022 we will continue with rest of Q4-2022 with the aim of having all remaining 2022 imbalance settlement invoices sent out before the end of this year. 

We start with November for operational reasons as this allows us to speed up the process of invoicing the most. As October 2022 has previously been invoiced (with errors) this implies that to correct this period Energinet will credit the erroneous October invoices and re-invoice the period again resulting in the net correction amount for the period after the changes to the calculation method. As crediting and re-invoicing takes a little longer we want to send out November and December first to get a head start.

Invoicing of Q4-2022 will include corrections for extraordinary neutralization as earlier agreed and communicated to the market in the Spring – see Principles for neutralization of gas balancing charges (

After New Year invoicing will continue with aim of sending all 2023 imbalance invoices out before the end of March 2024. After this Energinet expects the invoicing process to be back in normal operation.

Availability of underlying data for imbalance settlement

Alongside with correcting invoice calculations Energinet and its supplier have been working on the display of data for invoicing on the customer portal. Unfortunately we are still in process of finalizing test before we can refer to the portal for all necessary background data for invoicing. The tasks are currently in progress and is expected to be done soon. Energinet will announce this as soon as data in the portal are in place.

Until then, Energinet will send out the relevant invoicing data in an accessible format (Excel files) for each individual shipper for invoice validation.

Preliminary valid data for 2023

Energinet is also working on individual shipper reports which will include all preliminary valid data for 2023. These data will be forwarded to each shipper in Excel format when we get closer to the end of this year. Data will be preliminary until the actual settlement invoicing of each month.



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