Transparency site development
Energinet has up-dated the transparency site on Energinets web site with more information and links to data. We urge all shippers and other stakeholders to get familiar with the up-dated site.
Energinet is obliged to publish different data and information according to Regulation (EC) No. 715/2009 of the European Parliament and Council on conditions for access to the gas transmission networks. Furthermore, we comply with the EU network codes, for instance the network code on harmonised transmission tariff structures for gas.
We have gathered information and links to data and adjacent partners in one place to make it easier to find for existing and new shippers as well as other stakeholders. You find the up-dated transparency site by following this link: Transparency (
We ask all shippers and other stakeholders to get familiar with the up-dated transparency site and please write to or give us a call if you have any comments or if you are missing any data.