Shippers Forum 14 December 2023 - Invitation

Energinet invites shippers and other partners to Shippers Forum 14 December 2023. It will be an Online Shippers Forum and therefore it will also be a shorter Shippers Forum than last time. 

On 14 December 2023 Energinet will host the last Shippers Forum of 2023. We will try to give a short review of year 2023 on the Danish Gas market and the year to come.

The Shippers Forum will be online only and we invite all our shippers and other partners to join for a forum with a status on both the supply situation, storage as well as latest status on balancing and invoicing.

We hope to see a lot of you online. You will receive the link to the meeting when you sign-up on our web site. 

You can see the preliminary program and sign up for Shippers' Forum by following this link:

Shippers' Forum (Online) (



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