Dynamic green zone calculations was set into force 1 February

At Shippers’ Forum in December Energinet informed on plans of introducing dynamic green zone calculations in the gas balancing model.

Energinet finds that solutions are ready and stabilized to an extent that supports the daily calculations of the green zone, which have been the plan since the introduction of the revised model in October 2022. Energinet have tested the solution thoroughly and have set the calculations in production.

Thereby, as of 1 February the green zone is calculated and set daily to the market and hence not fixed day to day. According to balancing model shippers are obliged to observe the green zone and balance their portfolios accordingly, hence the change has no implications to shippers as such. However, Energinet urge all shippers to pay attention to the daily green zone calculation as part of their daily routines.

Following the two first Gas Days with the dynamic green zone calculation an enlarged green zone flexibility have been observed. It is Energinets expectation that the enlarged green zone flexibility on an overall basis given levels of current flows will be maintained.



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