EU's Gas & Hydrogen Package: Energinet has applied for an exemption from the proposed tariff discount on RES-Entry.
Energinet has asked the Danish Utility Regulator for an exemption from tariff discounts for renewable gas which would otherwise have to be introduced in the Danish gas market. More specifically, at the RES-entry point. The Danish Utility Regulator is now processing the request, as they have the possibility to grant an exemption from tariff discounts, if certain criteria are met.
To expand renewable gas in Europe the new gas regulation includes a proposal on tariff discounts for renewable gas on entry points. Energinet has applied for exemption to the Danish Regulator based on Denmark already having reached the highest share of renewable gas in gas grids in Europe (40%) and on Government introducing new incentives to further expand renewable gas production. More information – see contact below.
Europa Parlamentet og Rådet har vedtaget FORORDNING (EU) 2024/1789 om de indre markeder for vedvarende gas, naturgas og brint. Forordningens artikel 18 omhandler indførelse af tarifrabatter for vedvarende og kulstoffattig gas med henblik på at opskalere tilførslen i Europa. Forsyningstilsynet har mulighed for at give en undtagelse fra tarifrabatter såfremt visse kriterier er opfyldt, blandt andet hvis et land allerede har opnået en væsentlig udbygning af vedvarende gasser, og har incitamenter der understøtter en fortsat udbygning.
Energinet har med henvisning hertil (artikel 18, stk. 5, litra b) anmodet Forsyningstilsynet om undtagelse fra tarifrabatter. Forsyningstilsynet behandler nu anmodningen.
Kontakt: Energinets Myndighedskontor, Tina Alander Lindfors (