
Gas Quality in Denmark

This page introduces Energinets gas quality data, rules and regulations along with the methodology used for measurements. On the page multiple downloadable pdf's can be found and used as background knowledge regarding gas quality. Furthermore there are links to the real-time data portal for gas quality energidataservice.  

Gas quality

Rules for gas quality defines the allowed physical parameters for the gas in the Danish system and is measured and registrated by Energinet

The gas must at all times meet the requirements set in the Danish gas regulation and specification in "Terms and conditions for gas transport"

The gas quality in the Danish gas system is regulated by the Danish Safety Authority in the gas regulation in "Bekendtgørelsen for gaskvalitet". The gas can be supplied directly from the North Sea, by import from Germany, from biomethane plants or from the underground storage facilities in Lille Thorup and Stenlille. End-users can recieve gas, which is a mix from multiple sources of supply.

The gas composition can be accessed publicly at all time

The gas quality can be presented and visualised in various ways. The gas composition and calculated parameters for the gas are determined from measurements in Egtved going towards the east, which is the place with the most representative gas composition for the gas delivered to Danish consumers. At there are six datasets which presents gas quality data regarding the transmission network. Links for these can be found on this page. Furthermore, there can be found a quick guide for Energidataservice further down below.

The gas quality can vary over time and differs from different supply sources. An overview of the different gas qualities can also be found in a facta sheet further down as well. The gas composition in Denmark will therefore, at any given point in time, pendent on which supply source provides gas and how much gas is provided from each source.

Upgraded biogas is supplied at several facilities throughout the distribution network, resulting in gas supplied to consumers in certain areas either being completely biomethane or a mixture of natural gas from the transmission network and locally produced biomethane.


If you are interested in the specific gas quality for gas delivered from the distribution networks, you can contact the distribution company EVIDA.

For further information on the various parameters for gas quality as well as measuring points for gas quality see the document  How to measure gas quality.

Here a brief quick guide for the most essential functions for can be found

Quick guide to energidataservice