Rules and regulations for gas quality

The Gas Safety Act and Rules for Gas Transport determines rules for gas quality. Not all parameters are described directly in the regulation, but are covered indirectly by other requirements.

Rules and regulation

The gas composition varies greatly depending on the supply source and its properties are important to the gas appliances at the end-user whether it is for private households or the industry. To ensure both security of supply and the consumers gas quality is regulated in detail. For the end-users this i determined in the gas safety act which is issued by the Danish Safety Technology Authority, and for the gas in the transmission network the rules are defined in "Terms and conditions for Gas Transport" which is issued from Energinet.

Additional information and links for the regulation can be found here

Gas Safety Act

The Quality of the gas in the Danish gas system is determined by the Danish Safety Technology Authority in “The declaration of gas quality - declaration nr. 230 from 21/03/2018" (Bekendtgørelse om gaskvalitet). The declaration establishes requirements for combustible gasses, which is used in gas appliances, gas installations and gas equipment according to the specifications in the Gas Safety Act. 


Terms and conditions for Gas Transport

The gas must at all times meet requirements in the Gas Safety Act and the quality specifications in theTerms and conditions for Gas Transport, which also covers the general market rules on the gas market in Denmark. Appendix 1 of the Rules for Gas Transport describes the rules for the delivered natural gas. The legally binding version is the English version.

Appendix 1 which states the specifications for gas quality can be downloaded here