Incremental Capacity 2021

Shippers, who wish to indicate their potential need for incremental capacity in the gas system, have a say in the matter this summer. Shipper involvement is a natural phase in the incremental capacity process, before an incremental project can be initiated and new capacity be built.

How to Forward your indications 

Shippers who wish to indicate their potential need for incremental capacity should fill in the Excel sheet on this page, and forward it to or use the send button on this page. Please remember cc to

Please fill in as many cells of the Excel sheet as possible

There is no requirement to fill in all cells for the relevant point(s), but please fill in as much information as possible. In any case, Energinet will contact all bidders directly, to fully understand the background and to assure the correct understanding of the indication.

Incremental Capacity process

Network development planning is a balance between meeting demand in due time, and avoiding over-investment in infrastructure. For harmonizing the process for the development of incremental capacity, rules for incremental capacity have been included in the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanism (CAM NC).

The incremental process starts with the demand assessment phase that begins with the market demand assessment by the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) after the annual yearly capacity auction. At the beginning of this phase network users can submit non-binding demand indications within eight weeks after the start of the annual yearly capacity auction.

The process will start in summer 2021

As users of the Danish gas system, shippers have the opportunity to influence the development of the system. Based on shippers’ non-binding demand indications, Energinet will perform Demand Assessment Reports (DAR’s), indicating the result of the non-binding demand indications. At Ellund the DAR’s will be performed jointly between Energinet and each of the two adjacent system operators, Gasunie Deutschland and Open Grid Europe. 

If the outcome of the DAR shows demand for more capacity between two systems, the process continues with the design phase, with the possibilty to offer incremental capacity in 2023. If the outcome of the DAR does not show demand for incremental capacity, the process ends.

User influence

Users of the system know their own businesses best, and are the best positioned to look into the "crystal ball" regarding future need for capacities. This means Energinet will execute a process involving market participants:

  • 2021
  • 2021
  • 2022
  • 2023



Energinet capacity assessment at all points

Consultation with market participants on potential incremental capacity needs

Information package: User involvement in gas network development planning



Energinet prepares material for demand assessment based on market input



Joint demand assessment process for Ellund and all points.

Read more in the news item sent on 6 April 2021.



Demand assessment report and next steps


13 January - 13 February

Public consultation


13 February - 13 March

Project finalisation


March - May

NRA decision


May - September

Publish notification


Binding phase September 2020 - May 2021

Yearly auction in May