Future gas tariffs

The updated future gas tariffs are available on this page one month before the PRISMA auction. For guidance, please consult the methodology for calculating the gas tariffs.

Methodology for calculating future tariffs

Available for download are forecast models for guidance on indicative tariff levels of the gas tariff until the year 2028. The latest updated model cover the years 2024 - 2028. Please note that all forecasting models are based on contemporary approved tariff methodology and economic regulation.

Please follow these links:

Forecast Model For Gas Tariffs In The Transmission System (Version June 2024)

Forecast Model For Gas Tariffs In The Transmission System ( Version June 2023)

Forecast model for gas tariffs in the transmission system (version October 2022 v.2).

Forecast model for gas tariffs in the transmission system (version October 2022).

Forecast model for gas tariffs in the transmission system (Version: October 2021).