Future gas tariff Methodology

Energinet is consulting the market on adjustments of the tariff methodology.

Adjustments of tariff methodology

Energinet is currently in the proces of adjusting the tariff methodolgy. Energinet has presented the adjustments at User Groups and Shippers' Forums, and has also carried out a pre-consultation.

Process description from gas year to calendar year


Responses from the gas market players

All responses to the market consultation in 2021 are collected in the document: Consultation responses

Summary of the consultation responses given to the tariff methodology of the Danish gas transmission system


The Pre-consultation document can be found below:

Pre-consultation document (English)

Energinet is in the period from 14 October to 14 December 2021 having Final Consultation on the adjustments. The consultation document is listed below:

Final Consultation document (Danish)

Final Consultation document (English - translation)

Uniform tariff model (art. 30 2. (b))

Further details on the RPM and CAA calculations



Deadline for comments and how to respond:

Please sendt all consultations responses to gastariffs@energinet.dk.

Deadline: Tuesday 14 December 2021 EOB - at the latest.

If you have any question, please contact Nina Synnest Sinvani at nsy@energinet.dk or +45 2333 8902



Relevant material on the tariff network code:

Final network code from the European Commission
ENTSOG suggestion for implementation of the TAR NC (iDoc) - version 1