Discussion paper on user commitment for the upcoming hydrogen market

Today, we have published a discussion paper about user commitment on our Hydrogen Market Dialogue page. Its content is based on inputs received during the 12 October 2023 workshop and aims to prepare Energinet and the market for an investment decision, which will be contingent on some level of binding user commitment.

Market participants are invited to book meetings with cru@energinet.dk and kkn@energinet.dk and/or submit written feedback (to the same contacts) about the discussion paper by 8 March 2023. Energinet is planning a webinar on 1 March 2023 to go through the discussion paper a week before the aforementioned deadline – registration details will follow closer to the date.

Energinet notes that we will of course be responsive to political developments as they arise and adjust accordingly. For the sake of completeness, we also note that workstreams (e.g., technical) are ongoing, and updates about these will be shared with the market when relevant. 



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