Energy islands turning up the charm at WindEurope 2023

The entire European wind industry is meeting this week, which opens up a sea of possibilities for Energinet, Elia Group and 50Hertz. The three transmission system operators (TSOs) are joining forces and showcasing the energy islands.

Energinet will also be on the spot for the annual WindEurope Annual Event 2023 from 25-27 April. This year, the conference and exhibition are expected to attract more than 10,000 people to Bella Centre in Copenhagen, including key stakeholders from the European wind industry. So, this is an ideal opportunity to showcase products and projects, in particular to potential new business partners and suppliers. Energinet, Elia Group from Belgium and 50Hertz from Germany have joined the more than 490 companies and are participating with a joint stand. 

On the first day of the WindEurope conference, Energinet’s CEO Thomas Egebo has been invited as keynote speaker for the session ‘Offshore hybrids – making them happen’, i.e. energy islands. Together with several heads of government, ministers, and other TSO CEOs, he will be arriving at the conference straight after attending a major summit in the Belgian coastal town of Ostende on 24 April. Here, north European heads of state and ministers joined the EU elite and a string of business leaders in following up on last year’s Esbjerg Declaration on the installation 65 GW of offshore North Sea wind power by 2030. Among other things with the help of energy islands.

“I’m very much looking forward to talking about the Danish energy islands, and speaking with the industry about the possibilities and challenges which we will collaborate on to realise and solve. It’s all about developing technological standards for an offshore DC grid, it’s about intensifying international cooperation between countries and TSOs, and it’s about getting on top of strained supplier chains. Of course, I’m also looking forward to opening our joint stand with Elia and 50Hertz, and to welcoming HRH Crown Prince Frederik, and telling him about energy islands and showcasing our international collaboration together with our German and Belgian colleagues", says Thomas Egebo. 

Energy islands receive royal visit 
Hanne Storm Edlefsen, Vice President, Energy Islands at Energinet is expecting many visitors, and is looking forward to one visitor in particular; HRH The Crown Prince of Denmark has announced his attendance.  

“The fact that the Crown Prince is visiting our stand says a lot about the important task which Energinet is undertaking together with our Belgian and German TSO colleagues. We’re obviously proud, and keen to tell him about the energy islands and the international cooperation centred around an energy system that will help to ensure a greener Europe,” says Hanne Storm Edlefsen.

Chris Peeters, CEO of Elia Group, and Stefan Kapferer, CEO of 50Hertz, are also participating during the royal visit together with the Belgian Minister of Energy and representatives from the Danish Energy Agency.

Fascinating universe of energy islands  
The stand promises a pure energy island universe, which is depicted in fascinating detail with texts and illustrations, a 3D model of the Belgian energy island and a new video about the two Danish energy islands which Energinet has had produced together with the Danish Energy Agency. Visitors will be able to attend so-called expert talks, at which employees from Energinet, 50Hertz and Elia Group talk about everything from the challenges posed by the latest DC technology to international partnerships and the massive environmental survey programmes being carried out at sea and onshore.

Read more about WindEurope Annual Event 2023 here: