Status of Offshore Feasibility Studies

The offshore feasibility studies in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea are still progressing as planned. Here, we provide a brief status on what has happened in the past quarter and which feasibility studies we have scheduled for the coming quarter.

Geologisk undersøgelseAutumn 2021: Geophysical data collected:
Geophysical data have been collected from the seabed in the areas in which the offshore wind farms will be erected. The task is on schedule, but all data have not yet been collected in the Baltic Sea, as an order was received in late autumn to examine an area for 3 GW offshore wind power instead of the 2 GW originally planned. This in order to be timely prepared for an eventual new political decision to expand the offshore wind farm capacity from 2 to 3 GW. Out of consideration for porpoises in the area, the work in the additional areas will not be commenced until after 1 April 2022.

Winter 2021: Noise level for geophysical measurements examined
The Danish Energy Agency has headed a study which has examined the noise level of geophysical surveys. The conclusion is that we create less noise than expected, which may be important for future conditions in feasibility studies. Link to the study on the Danish Energy Agency’s website:

Winter 2021: UXO studies in the North Sea concluded
The UXO studies for the artificial island in the North Sea were concluded between Christmas and New Year. UXO stands for unidentified explosive objects – which may be old sea mines, large rocks and metallic objects – and the investigations contribute to mapping where there is room for both the artificial island and the geotechnical boreholes.             

January 2022: Geotechnical drillings are commenced
Geotechnical drillings are to be done in both marine areas. In the North Sea, this work started in January 2022.

Spring 2022: Cable routes are mapped
The seabed and objects on the seabed are to be examined to map the cable routes that are to run between Bornholm and the offshore wind farms and between the artificial island in the North Sea and Jutland, respectively. Here, the feasibility study project is facing a challenge as a straight line cannot simply be drawn due to other construction projects, the ownership of the marine area as well as objects and existing submarine cables.

The cable routes between the energy islands and to other countries must also be mapped. The plan has not yet been drawn up – neither for when nor with which countries.