Hybrid interconnector between Germany and Denmark: Amprion and Energinet agree on close cooperation
The Danish transmission system operator Energinet and their German counterpart Amprion have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the perspectives of developing a hybrid interconnector between the two countries.
The interconnector will make an important contribution to achieving climate neutrality and prosperity through secure supply in both countries and across Europe. In addition, a contribution to the wind expansion targets and towards establishing an offshore grid in the North Sea will be achieved.
The transmission system operators Amprion and Energinet anticipate positive effects for both countries through the building of an interconnector. The interconnector will increase security of supply in Denmark, Germany, and Europe through international flexibility options.
“An interconnector between Denmark and Germany is an important step towards harvesting the huge wind power potential in the North Sea and connecting it to the European mainland, thus securing supply of renewable energy to households and industry right in the heart of Germany and Europe where future demand will grow, says Thomas Egebo, CEO of Energinet.
Amprion and Energinet aim to connect the coming Danish North Sea Energy Island to the German transmission grid via future offshore hubs and grids in the German part of the North Sea. Through interconnection, surplus green electricity can be transported from the Danish energy island in the North Sea directly to the load centres in Germany. Additional welfare effects result from reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increasing European market integration and new jobs.
The North Sea as Europe's green power plant
The demand for electrical energy will increase because electrification is the main factor in decarbonising the energy system. "The interconnector between Denmark and Germany would be an important step towards achieving the climate targets in Europe, as it takes into account the increasing electrical energy needs. By increasing transport capacities between the countries, we can integrate more renewables into the energy system," said Amprion CTO Hendrik Neumann.
The hybrid interconnector between Denmark and Germany is an important building block to transform the North Sea into "Europe's green power plant" and at the same time establish a first international offshore grid in the North Sea. The hybrid interconnector would connect the Danish energy island in the North Sea with a German offshore wind grid in the North. The interconnector would offer the two transmission system operators various options for maintaining the frequency and voltage in the respective transmission systems at all times.
The Esbjerg Cooperation
In an expert paper, the Esbjerg Cooperation partners have presented how the expansion of offshore wind energy in Europe can be achieved, in a coordinated and sustainable manner, but also in a technically and socio-economically efficient way. In addition to Energinet and Amprion, the cooperation includes other transmission system operators and energy companies from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Link to the Expert paper.
Amprion GmbH is one of four transmission system operators in Germany. Our 11.000-kilometre extra-high voltage grid transports electricity in an area from the North Sea to the Alps. Around a third of Germany’s economic output is generated there. Our power lines are lifelines of society: They secure jobs and quality of life for 29 million people. We keep the network stable and safe – and prepare the way for a climate-compatible energy system by expanding our network. Around 2.300 employees in Dortmund and at more than 30 other sites help make sure the lights never go out. We also perform overarching operations for integrated grid systems in Germany and Europe.
Energinet is the transmission system operator for electricity and gas in Denmark. We are an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities. We operate 8400 km power lines and 1250 km gas grid, and together with our neighbours we operate onshore and offshore interconnectors to Norway, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands and Poland.
Around 1800 employees keeps Denmarks security of supply high and makes sure that the green transition to 100 percent renewable energy can be carried out in an economically responsible way. A robust energy system must be secure and reliable, environmentally sustainable, affordable and accessible.