Munck Piping installing cables for the Viking Link project in Denmark


In late summer 2021, the installation will begin of the 76-km HV cable, which runs from the Danish west coast to Revsing HV substation near Vejen. From Revsing, the cable will be connected via a converter station to the Danish electricity grid. The cable is part of the 1,400-MW interconnector between Denmark and the UK – also called Viking Link. The interconnector is scheduled for commissioning in late 2023.

Munck Piping won the contract for onshore cable installation. 

The Danish onshore cable will be produced by NKT whereas the onshore cable in the UK will be supplied by Prysmian, who also produces and installs the 630-km subsea cable. The offshore installation work is scheduled to be kicked off in spring 2021.

The value of the contract for installing the Danish onshore cable is DKK 63m.