Energinet's labour clause

For Energinet, our use of labour clauses is about demonstrating social responsibility and in-tegrity, as well as ensuring that Energinet and our suppliers treat people properly, ensuring fair competition on equal terms, and opposing social dumping on our projects.

The labour clause is part of Energinet's due diligence process and is a contractual term in our contracts. This means that as a supplier, you must accept to comply with the labour clause and that you and your subcontractors ensure proper wages and working conditions for your employees on Energinet's projects. Energinet's labour clause is in accordance with ILO con-vention no. 94 on labour clauses in public contracts.

Chain responsibility
With the labour clause, there is also a chain responsibility, meaning that the requirements also apply to any subcontractors and their employees. This means that as a supplier or con-tractor, you must ensure that your subcontractors are aware of the applicable terms and re-quirements in Energinet's labour clause. It is also your duty to include the requirements of the labour clause in the contracts you enter into with your subcontractors. This implies that as the main supplier, you can also be held accountable for any violations committed by your subcontractor.

Energinet may at any time request relevant documentation from its suppliers to ensure com-pliance with the labour clause. This applies regardless of whether the documentation con-cerns employees of the supplier itself or its subcontractors. Documentation may include, for example, wage and time sheets, payroll records and employment contracts, pension contri-butions, and e-income receipts from the tax authorities for each employee employee. The list of documentation requirements is not extensive.

Breach of the labour clause
If you as a supplier violate the terms of the labour clause, you may be subject to penalties. Sanctions for breaching the labour clause apply in cases where Energinet's direct supplier or its subcontractor fails to meet the requirements. This means that all contractors and sub-contractors are responsible for complying with the terms of the contract.

Contact us

Social dumping hotline:

+45 30 46 50 20

All enquiries are treated confidentially and sensitively, and you can choose to stay anonymous