Tenders electronic daily (ted)
Energinet uses TED for publication of calls for competition that exceed a threshold amount of approx.3 million DKK. This ensures that all interested economic operators have access to view calls for competition and submit tenders from both inside and outside the EU.
Energinet’s calls for competition for contracts that exceed a threshold amount of approx. 3 million DKK are published on Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) which is the online version of “Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU”, dedicated to EU public procurement.
Five days a week, approx.1700 new public procurement notices are published on TED. The publication of public procurement notices on TED provides users with a shared database.
The database search engine gives users the ability to apply numerous search criteria, including country, region, contract type, key words, etc. and enables users to stay informed about current calls for competition within the user’s area of expertise. Both EU and non-EU companies may use TED.
Membership of TED
Membership of TED is free and provides suppliers with:
- Access to business opportunities in Europe and beyond.
- The option to personalise a supplier’s search profile according to specific needs.
- E-mail alerts based on the personal search profile;
- Procurement documents published in the 24 official EU languages.
- Search and sort calls for competition by country, region, business category and more.
To learn more about TED – Tenders Electronic Daily, please follow the link to the right.