Meet the workers of the Energy Islands

Every day many people in Energinet work towards making the energy islands a reality. Now you can hear more about the work from the Energy island workers themselves.

Denmark is building two energy islands and increasing the generation of renewable energy from offshore wind power. In seven videos called Øbisserne (energy island workers), you can hear more about the activities that goes on at the moment. 

"A goal without a plan is just a wish"
Meet Ejvind, planner of the energy islands in Energinet. Every day, he keeps track of decisions, processes and people to ensure that Denmark's largest construction project can become a reality.


No construction projects without preliminary studies
Meet Kirstine, project manager of the preliminary studies in Energinet. She ensures that the right permits is obtained before we do investigations of the seabed. 


The electricity market is not only a Danish issue but a European cooperation
Meet Veronika, project manager of a new market design in regards to the energy islands in Denmark. She is responsible for ensuring that electricity from the energy islands is traded in a market in Europe with common rules. 


Large onshore substations require many considerations
Meet Bent, project manager of the environmental assessment of the Baltic Energy Island. He makes sure animal-life, nature and environment of Bornholm are affected as little as possible.


No energy islands without agreements with other European countries
Meet Peter who is negotiating political agreements with TSOs of other European countries. This ensures that the electricity from offshore wind power goes to where it is needed at all times. 


It's all about taking responsibility
Meet Signe, project manager of sustainability and safety of Baltic Energy Island. Sustainability is all about taking responsibility, and the green ambitions cannot be done without taking huge consideration of the environment and people around them.


New technical solutions are required for a green energy system
Meet Fitim who is responsible for the technical design of the Energy Island in the North Sea. He is working on a technical design which ensures that electricity can be transmitted over long distances and to several European countries at the same time.